World Model

Laura Yie
Members Public

LaVague Weekly Update #5

Welcome to our fifth dev update, where we announce new benchmarking methods and documentation for our open-source framework for Web Agents & share what's coming next!

Laura Yie
Members Public

LaVague Weekly Update #4

Welcome to our fourth dev update, where we announce the revival of our Gradio interface, a Playwright integration, a memory component & new documentation

Laura Yie
Members Public

LaVague Weekly Update #3

Welcome to our third dev update, where we announce updates to the structure of our engines, a new local logging method, our next webinar and what is to come for our Large Action Model framework.

Laura Yie
Members Public

LaVague Weekly Update

Welcome to our weekly updates, where we announce the latest news on our open-source framework for Web Agents & share what's coming next and how you can get involved!